Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rain, Thunderstorms and Hail!

What a wild ride we experienced last night.  The weather men have been warning us for days about a "significant weather event."  Let me just tell you, they wern't kidding!  About 4:30 yesterday afternoon, they broke into live, wall to wall coverage of the storms.  They were popping up out of nowhere, and spawning tornados left and right.  Being from Oklahoma, I am not afraid of storms, but I am respectful.  We don't have a frady hole, so the best we could do is the bathtub. 

I guess it was around 8:00, I hear, tornado warning for Panola county.  OK, I am not too concerned, it is a big county, and then the tornado sirens in Como start sounding.  I am a little worried now.  All of the sudden, the bottom falls out and it sounds like mortar shells hitting our house.  Lightning struck somewhere in our neighbors yard, and even the Little Man ducked into a corner, and said, "I scared, Mommy!"  Pickles, the Little Man and I all head for the bathtub with our pillows and blankets.  I don't know that I have ever gotten into the tub fully clothed and with shoes on for an extended stay with pillows.  My Mommy instincts took over, and we decided to camp out.

I also didn't realize the faucet was leaking so much!  I was stuck near the faucet, and needless to say, I ended up wet.  As soon as the hail stopped, I got everyone out of the tub, and we tried to continue on with our evening.  That is, until about 10 minutes later, and the hail was back.  This is not just some little hail falling from the sky, it was between golf ball and baseball sized hail. My poor tomato plants are sure to be just sticks in the ground now, but that is OK, I have plenty to replace them with.

During this whole ordeal, my husband thinks that I am certifiable.  He can't belive we are taking cover, and that nothing is going to happen.  He is out standing on the porch watching the hail hit... Praise the Lord, his life insurance is paid, and as my Sister-in-law says, you can't fix stupid! I mean, we would miss him, but obviously he is the one that needs the room at Lakeside!

Hailstones we brought in...

After I was brave enough to go out and take a picture...

A hailstone broke through the cup that is the temporary home to a tender jalapeno plant...

As I am writing this, we are now under another tornado warning.  The storms I drove through to take Pickles to school made me a nervous wreck!  It looks like this will be the pattern all day, so we are in for another ride.  I guess it is good that I have nothing that has to be done today, and can stay inside and iron clothes!

On the bright side, we have plenty of moisture in the ground, and for that I am thankful.  My family in Oklahoma is praying for rain, and needs it desperatly.  I am thankful I haven't planted the remainder of my garden, it would be washed away.  I am thankful for God's grace.  We don't have any damage to our home, or property, and our home is on a conventional foundation, so we are not threatened with water approaching our house. I was able to physically show Pickles hail, and we learned about how hail stones are developed and the rings that they gain as they are tossed up and down into the atmosphere.

I hope everyone is safe, and weathering these storms.  Remember, this too shall pass, and be only a memory.

Until next time, keep adventuring and looking for joy in the small details of life!


1 comment:

  1. Thank the good Lord you all remained safe. These storms are ferious


    Reminds me of how active Satan is in our world today. love you all.
