Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Constant Battle...Clean Your Room!

Today I am letting you in on our adventure in house cleaning!  I am beginning to think that my daughter selective can't hear the phrase, "Pickles, please clean your room."  No matter what tone of voice I use, the results are always the same.  Nothing. If I force the issue, she will hurriedly throw all clothes in the laundry basket that are in close proximity, and shove the others under the bed!  This continues until I clean her room, and she again promises to never let her room get messy again.

This week, I hired a couple to help me deep clean my house.  I promise you I have never cleaned the things they thought of.  Who sweeps the ceilings? I might to get the cob webs out of the corners, but they insisted on starting at the top and working their way down. Nothing escaped their site.  The baseboards, doors, door facings, door knobs, windows, and floors are all shining!  I am impressed with the outcome!  My house is finally clean, not just picked up!

When they got to Pickles room, it was a disaster.  I told Pickles that the cleaning lady was not to pick up a single toy in her room, and that she was only going to clean where she could.  The cleaning lady was awesome and said, Pickles, you help me and we will get your room organized.  She patiently and thoroughly went through each and every pile, hiding spot, shelf and bin.  They threw out papers, broken toys and missing pieces.  She taught Pickles along the way and encouraged her.  She made Pickles wipe down her own furniture, but loving showed her the correct ways.  I am so thankful I found someone who was patient and kind.  It is just not the same when Mommy shows you! The end result was a spotless room, clean shelves and a very proud Pickle!

Pickles is so proud of her clean room!
I am even more thankful that my house is clean, and I found a wonderful Christian lady to help me out.  She will be back in a few weeks, and I am sure she will find surprises in Pickles room.  I can only pray that her patience and guidance will pay off in the long run.

Until next time, keep adventuring and looking for joy in the small details of life!


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