Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Tonsil Tale...

Two weeks ago, our Little Man had to have his tonsils removed.  I know this is routine for many, however this Mommy was not prepared for what was in store for us. Pickles had hers removed at five, and it was a land of Popsicles and ice cream.  I didn't really think about the fact the Little Man rarely eats ice cream, and likes Popsicle only when it is hot outside.

So, to bring you up to speed, he has been sick for quite some time.  I was leaning toward a GI problem only to be reassured that his tonsils can cause all the symptoms I jotted down.  He had been sick since the early fall, and nothing seemed to be helping.  Round after round of antibiotics didn't do the trick. Miss one dose, and we were right back where we started from.

The morning of surgery, I was very nervous.  Besides the fact that he was going under anesthesia, he was feeling great.  He tried to climb over the glass wall in the hospital, which is on the second floor looking into the lobby on the first floor.  The staff thought I was crazy, and that he wasn't really sick.   As I chased him through the hospital, I was wondering if maybe he was miraculously healed, and didn't need this procedure after all.

Before surgery... Playing and having fun.

His first Popsicle...

Not really liking the Popsicle...

The only time he spoke in the hospital, "My frowt huts."  Poor baby1

So, after surgery, we spoke with the Doctor who proceeded to tell us just how enlarged his tonsils were, and that his adenoids were even worse.  He reassured me that is was not a joke. The poor baby couldn't breath through his nose.  So, now I am feeling better about having the surgery.  Then, we got to see him and help wake him up.

This was a whole new ballgame.  He didn't come out from anesthesia very well. He fought, tried to pull out his iv, tried to jump out of the bed, kicked, flailed and grabbed everything in sight.  The nurse was so glad to see us, because his super human strength was almost more than she could handle.  He only wanted Mommy, and that wasn't really good enough!

After a long night.  Make that a very long night in the hospital, where the lights in our room kept coming on voluntarily, the Little Man wouldn't eat or drink, and no wet diapers, but we were able to leave the hospital the next morning regardless. The doctor again reassured me that once in his own environment, he would eat and drink again.   I had enough foresight to grab some french fries, and food for Mommy, and we came home.  I just knew he would rest.  Wrong.  He went to eating his french fries, and before I knew it, he was eating everything he could get his hands on!  I guess after two months living on milk, he was hungry.  This hunger lasted about 24 hours, and now we are back to our picky self.

This week, he went back to school and was so excited to see his teachers and his friends, but most importantly have someone to play with.  Praise the Lord, we haven't had any GI issues since the surgery, and I am so very grateful.  He is a completely different child when he feels good!

My sweet baby feels so much better!

He's back to his mischievous self!

Thanks for all your prayers and concerns during this time.  I am thankful there was a solution for his problem!  I am thankful for the moments when he wanted to snuggle, and watch a movie, and I am thankful for a great surgeon who took special care of our precious baby boy.  Now, on to potty training!

Until next time, keep adventuring and looking for joy in the small details of life!


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