Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Start of Summer

Today, the Binford family officially kicked summer vacation into high gear. We loaded up in the car, and headed on an afternoon adventure to the swimming pool!  I know, exciting news on the home front!  I am not saying this to be ornery, but it is one of the symbolic first steps to reaffirm that summer is upon us.

Pickles was overly excited to go and play with her friends, but The Little Man loved every second of his time in the water.  The Little Man made some new friends, and kept his cool, even as the older boys were squirting him with a water gun!  He soon learned he could splash and not get into trouble, and then water war was officially declared!  I am amazed at how much my children love to swim, and I guess they come by it honestly.  I can remember as a child staying at the pool from the time it opened, until it closed.  Since there was not a pool close to where we lived, it was a great treat to go to "swimming lessons" at Camp C Andy and have two weeks of structured swim time. The remainder of the summer, any chance we had to swim, was definitely highlight of the week!

He loves to splash...

Today, we had to cut our swimming time short, but I am sure that we will spend many hours this summer playing in the water to make up for the lost time.  Pickles has already planned our day tomorrow, and has made sure to check the timing of the rain tomorrow to make sure she doesn't miss out on any time at the pool. 

Tonight, my heart is heavy thinking about and praying for those in Oklahoma and Kansas who have been affected by tornadoes and severe weather.  It is amazing that technology has allowed so many to survive such massive tornadoes.  I know that there will be many stories of survival that will prevail, and the tragedies will bring everyone closer together.  It is these trials that ultimately make us stronger and unite us all.

Until next time, keep adventuring and looking for joy in the small details of life.


1 comment:

  1. I was just telling my husband about Camp C'Andy and decided to google it....found your page and thought I'd say hi! I'm from Geronimo and went to that camp a couple years for swimming lessons too :)
