Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Kisses of the Little Boy Variety

There is something about little boy kisses, the type of affection that lets you know you are still queen of their hearts, but they are definitely up to something.  I am not too sure what it is, but they melt me every time.  I know I should be a little firmer, but just when I think I am ready to pull my hair out by the fistfuls, my Little Man will share a moment of affection that makes the disaster seem like a small occurrence rather than the full storm and the aftermath that follows. 

On a daily basis, I am challenged  by my children.  They are so different from each other, but yet, so similar.  The Little Man is pure boy; Wild, fearless and wide-open. He has one agenda, and that is his own.  Pickles on the other hand is a princess; sweet, prissy and very loving.  She is a people pleaser and wants to make sure everyone is happy and taken care of.

I not too sure If these differences are somehow related to gender, or just simply their own unique personality.  One thing I have learned is that they both know affection is the way to make Mommy happy! 

Today has been a whirlwind.  I have decided to embark on a part-time consulting position, and I am so thankful for the opportunity to exercise my mind.  Not that being a Mommy is not challenging enough, but I needed to shake it up.  This morning, I had a meeting, and they said it was fine to bring the Little Man.  Enough said.  He was horrible, but as I was ready to wring his little blond curly neck, he smiled and said, but "I wuv you Mommy!" How can you be mad at that! 

A sweet little boy with sweet little drool!

Sweet little grins...a way to everyone's heart!

Silly Girl!
 This evening, just as I am removing the Little Man from his high chair, he grabs my cheeks, and give me a kiss.  The type of groddy, slobbery kiss that only a Mommy can appreciate.  It is in these moments, that I am truly thankful for my children, and all of the messes they make.  They will make a great story one day!

Until next time, cherish those groddy kisses, and look for joy in the unexpected moments.


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