Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday...A Children's Celebration

I love the tradition of Palm Sunday in our church.  Every year, the children parade through the church waving palm fronds and singing Hosanna In the Highest.  It gives such a personal touch to the start of Holy Week, and the true meaning of Easter.

Today, in Sunday School, we learned the entire story and background about the significance of Palm Sunday.  I am always amazed at how their young minds comprehend such lessons.  Immediately they associated the fact that Jesus rode into town on a donkey, just like his mom Mary, rode to Bethlehem on a donkey before his birth.  That the donkey was borrowed, just like his tomb, and that he was a King of the people.

I promise you, I receive the greatest blessing with these children in Sunday School.  It is encouraging that they are so eager to learn more about our risen Lord! Here are a few photos of the day.

With the choir singing,  let the parade begin...

They even let rotten little boys in on the fun!

What a great group...doing exactly as they rehearsed.

A wonderful duet, featuring our own little Pickle!
 As you remember this Holy Week, and the celebration of our Risen Lord known as Easter, it is important to know Jesus died on the cross for everyone!  He is the reason for Easter, not a little bunny. Because of Jesus, we can have eternal life, and a happily ever after!

Until next time, keep adventuring and looking for joy in the small details of life!


1 comment:

  1. Amen, friend!! I miss all the Holy Week celebrations now that we attend a different denomination from Methodist. :( Wishing you and your a beautiful family a blessed Holy Week and Easter!!
