Monday, April 11, 2011

My Sweet Babies...Can I have a Pause Button?

Where does the time go?  I know that from the moment they are conceived, they grow at a rapid rate, but no one ever said, hold on, we are moving at warp speed!  Just yesterday, our lives were forever changed when Pickles greeted us with her beautiful blue eyes, and bright red lips.  Now, she is growing into a beautiful young girl.  It makes me sad and joyous all at the same time.  She is such a sweet, thoughtful young lady, and she challenges me each and every day.

I guess I have blinked, and maybe slept a little, and my Little Man changed from a baby to a mischievous little boy.  His eyes glisten with a sparkle that lets me know he is definitely up to something.  Blink, and your world is transformed into his playground.  Whether it is climbing to see if he can hide, chasing butterflies or kissing puppies, he is full of life!  I wish I could push a pause button just to catch my breath.  I don't want to miss a moment, but his never ending energy is making the Mommy feel really old!

Today, I am sharing with you a glimpse of what a photo session with my children is like.  There will never be that perfect posed portrait of my children, and it is a great thing that I prefer lifestyle photos.  I hope you see their personality and why I am so proud of these little munchkins.  I know I am partial, but I think you will understand.

Sweetness...he is calculating his next move...

The closest to a formal portrait...

She is growing up so fast!

Trouble!  I love this boy!

Cheering for his Daddy, who is cutting Maw Maw's grass...

Little Man in action...he NEVER stops!

I love this one.  They are fascinated...

The neighbors dogs were barking.  A least they are looking the same way!

I Love my Babies!  I thank the Lord every day!
Until next time, keep adventuring and looking for joy in the small details of life!


1 comment:

  1. Every picture is a priceless treasure. You and Scott have an awesome task of parenting these precious jewels. Give them a big hug and kiss for me!

    Every picture is a treasure! Beautiful chidren given to Scott and Sarah to parent. How important you are to do this task. Give our little ones a big hug and kiss, we love you all.
