Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Joy

Today, I am going to be quick and share with you a little Christmas Joy.  I have been so overly busy and stretched to the max, that I haven't even penned a few words to you in quite some time.

As many know, our Little Man is sick yet again with tonsillitis.  I know this is not the end of the world, but he has been really bad this time.  We are getting our tonsils out soon, but not soon enough.  I hate when he is sick, but really hate it this time of year. His difficulty and craziness level is multiplied by 20.  Now add codeine to this, and we are into literally everything.

In the midst of this, we are also having work done on our house.  So, combine all the Christmas festivities, a sick child and an upside down home, and right now my life is chaos!

Tonight has been one of those nights when I would like a restart button.  I picked him up for school a lethargic little lifeless man.  He was pitiful!  That is to say the least.  We got home, another dose of Motrin and we are ready to eat.  He ate merely half a hot dog and a handful of Goldfish, and he is now destroying as much as he can faster than I can keep up!  I don't know where his energy come from, but now I dread giving him the cough  medicine.  Thank you Lord that he if feeling better.  I will gladly clean up behind him!

On the upside, I wanted to share our Christmas pictures with you.  OK, I should say the children's pictures.  And I know you will ask, I did make their outfits, and I know my sister will disapprove!

My sweet babies!

We told Santa all that we wanted!
The Little Man even checked to make sure his beard was real!

Sweet Girl!

 And since I was feeling overwhelmed with all that is going on, I impulse purchased Jim Brickman's "All is Calm" album tonight, and it is perfect.  This entire CD is full of  relaxing Christmas carols!  I love it!

During this busy time, we have been reminded of the Magic of Christmas in several different ways.  Our little Pickle and her friends made blankets and delivered them to the Children's hospital in Memphis.  It is very humbling to put it into perspective for them that everyone is not healthy and spending the Holidays at home with their family.

Another magical moment was when we were caroling with our church. The pure joy on the faces we sang to was touching.  Especially an older man who is wheelchair bound. He opened the door just so Pickles could sing directly to him.  She was so moved that her song and voice meant so much to him, and that he found her singing so special. She now wants to go and take him a special gift and make sure he has a very Merry Christmas!  That my friends is what it is all about!  It didn't cost us anything, and I promise you couldn't have put a price on her gift of song.

I sincerely hope that you and your family are celebrating all the joy that is to be had during this Christmas season, and remember that Jesus is the reason for Christmas!

Until next time, keep adventuring and looking for joy in the small details of life!


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