Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fresh Pasta... A Real Treat

Well, I guess there is no easy way around this.  I was in Memphis this morning, and ran by Scott's office.  In the process, he was short and hurt my feelings.  What did I do, I ran to the Williams Sonoma outlet and decided to buy something for myself.  I know, retail therapy is no way to solve a problem, but it sure does make me feel better.

Truth be told, my timing was bad, and he was in the middle of a thousand things, but that doesn't matter. I would have made time to find out why he was in my office!  Anyway, today was a great day to visit the outlet.  I didn't have any deadlines, other than to pick up Pickles from school, and Little Man was at school, so I enjoyed some me-time.  

I am amazed at all the kitchen and household gadgets they can dream up.  Several things I thought would be cool, but decided against them.  I mean, do I really need an acorn soup terrine to serve soup in to my garden club next Tuesday? Possibly. But would I ever use it again?  Possibly not.  Even though it was on sale 60% off, I left it behind. 

I did however give in to the 30% off sale on Chef's tools.  I had to ask if a pasta machine is included in the sale, and to my surprise, they were!  I have been looking at them online for several months, but just couldn't break down and buy one.  I was able to score the one I have been eyeing for several months for 30% off of the outlet price.  That is a win, win in my book!  

I was like a little kid on Christmas morning when I arrived home.  I couldn't wait to unpack my little machine and find out how simple pasta was to make. Who knew it was only two ingredients.  Flour and eggs.  That is it.  Maybe a little water, but just if your flour is dry. 

Let 's just say it was spaghetti night at the Binford house! 

Pickles measuring the flour...

She cracked the three eggs...so glad we didn't have to dig out shells!

Mixing it together.

She gave up on the fork and went straight to her hands.

With a little help, we ended up with a beautiful ball of dough.

Covered with a damp towel, our dough ball rests.

The first cut of dough.  It is amazing how far this will go.

And our first pass through the machine.

The Little Man wanted in on the action too. He was a great help turning the crank.  Again and again!

We have a sheet of pasta!

And finally spaghetti!  It made a ton of pasta.

Our beautiful dinner.  It was delicious!
What a fun night we had making pasta.  I can't wait to make lasagna and ravioli!  I will keep you posted.

Until next time, keep adventuring and looking for joy in the small details of life!


Homemade Pasta Dough

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3 eggs

Place flour in a large bowl and create a well in the center. 

Break eggs into the well.

Using a fork, slowly blend the flour and eggs until they are well blended.

If the mixture is wet, slowly add a little more flour.  If the mixture is dry, add a little water.

Knead the dough on a well floured surface until the dough is uniform and well blended.

Form the dough into a ball and cover with a damp towel.

Allow the dough to rest for 10 to 15 minutes.

After the dough has rested, cut off a piece about 1/4 of an inch.  Recover remaining dough and follow instructions on pasta machine.  If you are doing this by hand.  Use a rolling pin and roll dough as thin as possible. Cut into desired shape.  

For spaghetti, place cut pasta into salted, boiling water and boil 4 to 5 minutes.  It is true, this cooks much faster than dried pasta, so watch it carefully.  I promise it is worth the effort!


1 comment:

  1. You have to try using veggies in the flour mixture next time. I used to make my own too and would puree zuchinni and press it to get the moisture out. Add it to your pasta dough and it is a great way to sneak in veggies. For me it was because it was garden time and I had a surplus of the little green dudes and was trying to cup up with ways to use. It was really pretty cool!
