Friday, October 14, 2011

Garden Club Presentation

Today, I had the privilege to play with food for a local garden club.  You see, here in Mississippi, Garden Club is a must for a Southern Belle.  I am in one club, and another club asked me to present their program this month.  It was so much fun to share my thoughts on Decorating your Plate.

Today, we had not only a fabulous hostess but a fun and engaging group.  I am always surprised at the things I think everyone knows, and then someone speaks up and says, "I didn't know that..."  We had one of those moments today, too.

Our delightful hostess, Debby and I with the salad we created.
Debby's beautiful tablescape.   It was so impressive in person.
I presented this same program to my garden club a few years ago, and the response was the same. Everyone loved it, and I didn't put anyone to sleep!  It is encouraging to know that I must be on track somewhere!

I will share many of the same ideas with you later, I must first take pictures of everything to demonstrate. 

Until next time, keep adventuring and looking for joy in the small details of life!


1 comment:

  1. Must thank you for the tip in making my own stock. I wanted lots of rich broth for noodles for my shut-in neighbor's meal. The chicken leg parts (10 lbs) did the trick and then I froze the rest in ice trays for the next time. Tonight put them in freezer bag. I am 68 years old but never thought to freeze in ice trays. Never too old to learn especially from a sweet gal like you.
