Monday, August 29, 2011

A Give-away

A few weeks ago, I posted a give-away, and only after the contest ended did I have interest.  The winner of the contest already had this wonderful canning starter kit, and suggested that I try again.

So, besides this wonderful kit, you also get my help.  The winner will also get a sample of my favorite recipes, and maybe a sample jar of pickles! 

To enter, you must be a follower of this blog and tell me what you would like to try and can.  Or, if you are an experienced canner, what is your favorite food to can.  Even if you have all the fancy canning equipment, I promise you will be glad to add this to your stash.  I will take entries through this Friday, September 2.

Tell your friends, and maybe if they win, they will share some of their goodies with you!

Until next time, keep adventuring and looking for joy in the small details of life!



  1. Sarah,

    I hope this works to post to the blog. I've been reading your blog for a while now and really want to be your neighbor, not just your far away cousin in another state. You're always baking up something fantastic that I need to taste!

    I didn't see your last canning post until it was too late like everyone else I guess. I told Mom this year that I was going to can some jelly with the summer fruit, but never did. Oh well, I guess there's always next year.

    I love reading your blog and keeping up with all your adventures.

    Bethany (Toce) Powers

  2. I don't know how to email you or send you a private message from here. Email me when you have a chance at and we'll work it out.
