So the adventures of a Southern Belle never end. Today we embarked on an adventure of the redneck persuasion. We went skeet shooting in January! Not on a winter day where the weather is nice, but on a day where the high was 40 degrees! This might make sense if we were avid duck hunters, and were looking to go on a hunting expedition, but it is way to cold for me to leave my warm bed at 5:00 in the morning to go and sit in a boat and freeze to death! One of my friends suggested we have an adventure so that we could all enjoy the sunshine before the cold snow falls on us and we are cooped up in the house and screaming for fresh air. Needless to say we ventured out to our farm this afternoon with one mission in mind - skeet shooting. Everyone parked their trucks so that the tailgates could be used as benches and tables, and the shooting commenced. Everything was great until the skeet wouldn't release from the thrower and then broke when Scott tried to throw them. After cleverly warming up thrower on the heater of the truck, we were back in business. I must say a great time was had by all! Cow patties were blown up in the process, but might be a great way to spread the natural fertilizer. Hope you enjoy the photos, as I was shooting with the camera, and only shot the shotgun after the camera battery died. I must say I was not successful shooting the clay pigeons, but that is why the call it practice. You have to start somewhere.
Keep on adventuring, and being creative. Until next time...
The first round of Skeet |
And their off... |
Loco trying her hand at shooting on the cowpatty... |
Getting ready for the shooting to begin! |
The Men, trying to show us how it is done! |
Beth and Lauren...the beauties of the bunch! |
Awww, yes, it was my redneck idea!!! Delta girls all the way!!! So much fun! Can't wait to do it agian!!!